Beyond Logistics: Diversity, Empowerment & Sustainability

At ASI Logistics, we stand firmly behind the conviction that cultivating a diverse, inclusive and sustainable workspace and company culture, and committing to CSR practices are the cornerstone of nurturing our team members' professional and personal growth, all the while making a positive impact beyond our core business realm.

Our commitment to this vision goes beyond mere words; it's ingrained in our actions and ethos.

Nurturing Talents, Ensuring Equality

At ASI Logistics, we believe in the power of creating a diverse and inclusive workspace that empowers our team members and fosters their professional and personal development.


Empowering Women in Leadership Positions

In leadership roles, our company’s approach is marked by balance, with 83% of top-managerial positions being held by women, demonstrating a commitment to diversity and equal opportunity that we believe should go beyond mere statistics.

Our commitment to gender equality extends throughout our workforce, where women make up 73% of staff across our branches.


A Global Tapestry of Talents

From Phnom Penh to Hong Kong, Shanghai to Ho Chi Minh City, ASI Logistics’ teams are characterized by a mix of voices, ideas, and experiencesthat contribute to a culture of innovation!


Embracing Inclusion

Since 2015, ASI Logistics has also been dedicated to promoting inclusivity by welcoming individuals with disabilities into our teams.

Our unswerving dedication to creating an environment where their potential can flourish is rooted in our commitment to breaking down stereotypes and fostering a culture of acceptance!

Making a Difference: Impact Beyond Business

At ASI Logistics, we believe our responsibility goes beyond our company's operations and culture.

Starting in 2019, ASI Movers and ASI Logistics have fervently supported the Shanghai Butterfly Football Cup charity tournament.

This event aids children afflicted by Epidermolysis Bullosa, a severe genetic skin condition for which a cure has not yet been found. The support garnered benefits the Debra association, propelling research efforts for treatments and extending much-needed support and resources to affected families, significantly enhancing the lives of these children.

Sustainability as a Guiding Principle

In 2023, ASI Logistics cemented its commitment to People Development and Sustainability as its core values, aligning with principles that have long guided our practices. These values underscore our company's enduring vision, prioritizing trust-based, lasting partnerships over short-term gains.


Environmental Consciousness

Our dedication to sustainability isn't mere rethoric; it's deeply woven into every facet of our operations. From optimized transportation solutions and routes to embracing multi-modal approaches and mindful resource consumption, ASI Logistics champions eco-conscious practices.

In an industry often associated with emissions and environmental strain, ASI Logistics boldly embraces its role in pioneering eco-conscious practices.


Empowering Our Customers

Our commitment to providing carbon footprint calculations for every shipment showcases our dedication to transparency and sustainability. Armed with this knowledge, our clients are empowered to make choices that resonate with their environmental aspirations, effectively reducing the ecological footprint of their shipments.


Empowering Our Teams

Complementing our environmental commitment is our recognition that our workforce is our most prized asset. Nurturing colleagues through career growth and flexible work arrangements creates a dynamic and resilient environment that inevitably translates to the quality and agility of the services we provide our clients.

At ASI Logistics, our journey is marked by unwavering dedication to diversity, inclusivity, social responsibility, and environmental consciousness.

These values don't just represent our ideals; they reflect our unwavering commitment to making a positive impact both trough and beyond our core business activities.

ASI Logistics, strong with 15 years of expertise, provides you with the most adapted logistic solution to fit your needs and ensure you enjoy the benefits of smooth operations.

Thanks to our seven offices, including six conveniently located on China's east coast logistic hubs (Shanghai, Qingdao, Xiamen, Ningbo, and Hong Kong), its two branches in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and its worldwide network of logistic experts, ASI Logistics accompanies you at every step of your product's journey from, to and within Asia.

Our Values

Customer Centricity


People Development

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